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100 kilometers in 24 hours

Find your 100km Megamarsch!


The challenge of the mega march is to hike 100km in 24 hours. A mega challenge when you consider that most people don't even run 40km in a row in their lifetime.


The 100km marches usually start at 12 noon. Exceptions are our mega marches in Vienna  and im Weser Uplands, which start at 4 p.m. All mega marches have fixed starting times every half hour. You start in the light and hike through the night without sleep, into the sunrise and then to the finish. About every 20km you will find refreshment stations where you can rest and gather your strength. The catering includes, for example, water, fruit muesli bars, broth, milk rolls, coffee and other ward-dependent products. Paramedics are available at the aid stations and on the route in case of an emergency so that help can be offered as quickly as possible.


From the 2nd refreshment station you will receive a certificate when you finish the mega march. But it's worth persevering! Because at the finish you will not only receive the certificate, but also our finisher medal and admission to the Hall of Fame!


Are you ready for the challenge of your life? Face the challenge and be part of the next mega march! Collect your mega marches in our hiking pass and secure one of our trophies or the award as a local hero! 

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